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Last Site wide Update:31st Dec, 2009
Last Page Update:24th Aug, 2010

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Recent Bioscience news and headlines from Nigeria and around the world

August 2010 Bioscience headlines and news;


Latest science news, bioscience news, medical news, research news, health News, science discoveries, medical reports etc?


Nigerian Bioscience News

Nigerian scientist wins national award for sleeping sickness research -( Aug, 2010)

Cholera kills 87 in Nigeria - (Aug, 2010)

Repositioning NIPRD for Greater efficiency: NIPRD gets new DG- (Aug, 2010)

Nigerian scientist wins world health organization (WHO) first fellowship award (Aug, 2010)

NIPRD gets $230,000.00 world bank research grant (Aug, 2010)

Nigerian Government to create employment through waste management- (Aug, 2010)

West African successes against guinea worm disease - (Aug, 2010)



Health & General Science News

Obese men have lower sperm count- (Aug, 2010 )

Lack of sleep can damage the brain - (Aug, 2010)

Man with sprouted pea in lung- (Aug 2010)

Save Your Health by Avoiding Fructose- (Aug, 2010)

How Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Changes Your Genes- (Aug, 2010)

Brain scan may help guide career choice- (Aug, 2010)

Ten habits of a highly effective brain- (Aug, 2010)

Spinach: This Green has Powerful Healing Ability- (Aug, 2010)

The newest eating disorder: Sleep Eating- (Aug, 2010)

Nano Paint Makes Airplanes Disappear On Radar( Aug,2010)

Improve memory with sleep, practise and testing- (Aug, 2010)

Leafy greens may cut diabetes risk- (Aug, 2010)

Acetaminophen more than doubles risk of asthma in young people- (Aug, 2010 )

Chinese babies growing breasts from growth hormone in cattle milk.- (Aug, 2010 )

Be careful, Phone virus can increase your Tariff- - (Aug, 2010 )

Light-rechargeable batteries- (Aug, 2010)

Robots designed to develop emotions through relationships (Aug,2010)

Mostly-male book images may reduce girls science scores (Aug, 2010)

Men more likely to cheat if they are economically dependent on their partner (Aug,2010)

Poultry Litter Leaches Arsenic Into Streams, Rivers: Scientists Researchers say(Aug,2010)




Students Warned to Beware of 'Laptop-itis' ( Aug 2010)

The Age-Defying Power of Antioxidants - (Aug, 2010)

When Is Your Sneezin' Season?- (Aug, 2010)

Baby talk key in language acquisition- (Aug, 2010)

Sensory hijack: rewiring brains to see with sound - (Aug, 2010)

Improve memory with sleep, practise and testing- (Aug, 2010)

It's official: Smoking makes you stupid- It reduces your IQ - (Aug, 2010 )

Dead cow carcasses "resurrected" to produce cloned beef - (Aug, 2010)

High trusters were better lie detectors than were low trusters - (Aug, 2010)



World Bioscience News

Scientist IDs Genes That Promise to Make Biofuel Production More Efficient (Aug, 2010)

Scientist IDs Genes That Promise to Make Biofuel Production More Efficient (Aug, 2010)

Diabetes Risk in Children Increases Risk for Weak Bones- (Aug, 2010)

Male Menopause Affects More Than Five Million Men- (Aug, 2010)

Frozen Flies May Yield Secrets for Human Organ Transplants- (Aug, 2010)

Virus May Act as 'Evolution-Proof' Biopesticide Against Malaria- (Aug, 2010)

Researchers Identify Two FDA Approved Drugs That May Fight HIV- (Aug, 2010)

A pharmacy on the back of a cell- (Aug, 2010)

Human induced pluripotent stem cells used to treat Parkinson's in rodents-(Aug)

Study sheds light on cancer-causing gene regulation - (Aug, 2010)

Antibiotics on the verge of becoming completely useless- (Aug, 2010 )

Nano-Encapsulated Arsenic Show Promise in Fighting Breast Cancer - (Aug, 2010)

Switching off drug resistance - (Aug, 2010)

Chip aids sickle cell study- (Aug, 2010)

Study Finds Novel Pathway that shed light on Blood pressure treatment(Aug, 2010)

Novel bee venom derivative forms a nanoparticle smart bomb to target cancer cell (Aug,2010)

Scientists Direct Adult Stem Cells to Repair the Heart- (Aug, 2010)

Researchers Discovers how key enzymes repair sun damaged DNA- (Aug, 2010 )

Researchers identify key enzyme in DNA repair pathway- (Aug, 2010)

Scientists have finally engineered a rat with a chosen gene removed- Aug, 2010

New nanoscale transistor allow sensitive probing inside cells - (Aug, 2010)

MRSA-Killing Paint Created (Aug, 2010)

How salmonella helps kill cancer cells (Aug, 2010)

Single cell injections- (Aug, 2010 )

A link between pesticides and attention disorders?- (Aug, 2010)

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Bioscience headlines for April 2010 , June 2010 , August 2010

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Popular Headlines

Scientist IDs Genes That Promise to Make Biofuel Production More Efficient (Aug, 2010)

Scientist IDs Genes That Promise to Make Biofuel Production More Efficient (Aug, 2010)

Diabetes Risk in Children Increases Risk for Weak Bones- (Aug, 2010)

Male Menopause Affects More Than Five Million Men- (Aug, 2010)

Frozen Flies May Yield Secrets for Human Organ Transplants- (Aug, 2010)

Virus May Act as 'Evolution-Proof' Biopesticide Against Malaria- (Aug, 2010)

Researchers Identify Two FDA Approved Drugs That May Fight HIV- (Aug, 2010)

Study sheds light on cancer-causing gene regulation - (Aug, 2010)

Antibiotics on the verge of becoming completely useless- (Aug, 2010 )

Switching off drug resistance - (Aug, 2010)

Study Finds Novel Pathway that shed light on Blood pressure treatment(Aug, 2010)

Novel bee venom derivative forms a nanoparticle smart bomb to target cancer cell (Aug,2010)

Scientists Direct Adult Stem Cells to Repair the Heart- (Aug, 2010)

Researchers Discovers how key enzymes repair sun damaged DNA- (Aug, 2010 )

Researchers identify key enzyme in DNA repair pathway- (Aug, 2010)

Scientists have finally engineered a rat with a chosen gene removed- Aug, 2010

New nanoscale transistor allow sensitive probing inside cells - (Aug, 2010)

MRSA-Killing Paint Created (Aug, 2010)

How salmonella helps kill cancer cells (Aug, 2010)

Single cell injections- (Aug, 2010 )

A link between pesticides and attention disorders?- (Aug, 2010)

Students Warned to Beware of 'Laptop-itis' ( Aug 2010)

The Age-Defying Power of Antioxidants - (Aug, 2010)

When Is Your Sneezin' Season?- (Aug, 2010)

Baby talk key in language acquisition- (Aug, 2010)

Sensory hijack: rewiring brains to see with sound - (Aug, 2010)

Improve memory with sleep, practise and testing- (Aug, 2010)

It's official: Smoking makes you stupid- It reduces your IQ - (Aug, 2010 )

Dead cow carcasses "resurrected" to produce cloned beef - (Aug, 2010)

High trusters were better lie detectors than were low trusters - (Aug, 2010)

Obese men have lower sperm count- (Aug, 2010 )

Lack of sleep can damage the brain - (Aug, 2010)

Man with sprouted pea in lung- (Aug 2010)

Save Your Health by Avoiding Fructose- (Aug, 2010)

How Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Changes Your Genes- (Aug, 2010)

Brain scan may help guide career choice- (Aug, 2010)

Ten habits of a highly effective brain- (Aug, 2010)

Spinach: This Green has Powerful Healing Ability- (Aug, 2010)

The newest eating disorder: Sleep Eating- (Aug, 2010)

Nano Paint Makes Airplanes Disappear On Radar( Aug,2010)

Improve memory with sleep, practise and testing- (Aug, 2010)

Leafy greens may cut diabetes risk- (Aug, 2010)

Acetaminophen more than doubles risk of asthma in young people- (Aug, 2010 )

Chinese babies growing breasts from growth hormone in cattle milk.- (Aug, 2010 )

Be careful, Phone virus can increase your Tariff- - (Aug, 2010 )

Light-rechargeable batteries- (Aug, 2010)

Robots designed to develop emotions through relationships (Aug,2010)

Mostly-male book images may reduce girls science scores (Aug, 2010)

Men more likely to cheat if they are economically dependent on their partner (Aug,2010)

Poultry Litter Leaches Arsenic Into Streams, Rivers: Scientists Researchers say(Aug,2010)

“Artificial leaves” could help power machines of future

Eyes betray numbers in our heads, study says

Repeated anesthesia may affect kids’ learning

Exposure to letters A or F may affect test scores

Darkness promotes dishonesty, researchers find

A little stress may boost the fetal brain

Artificial light at night disrupts cell division

Increased Risk Of Skin Cancer Formation Associated With High Dietary Phosphate Intake

Phenols, phthalates, phytoestrogens may disrupt female development

Lowering Body Temperature Could Aid Standard Stroke Treatment

Empathy and violence have similar circuits in the brain






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